Take a look at what Cindy and Gary from Robesonia, PA have done with their woodstove. They built a custom sheet metal enclosure around the stove to capture and direct the heat to flow exactly where and when they need it. No more waiting for the entire downstairs to fill up with heat to warm up the rest of their home. They simply fire up the stove, turn on the blowers, close the cabinet doors and the heat travels straight to the rooms upstairs.
Gary designed the frame with “moving” the heat in mind as opposed to letting the heat rise by itself, which we know could take hours without the proper air flow. He installed 2 fans inside the top of the frame which force the heat through ductwork which connect to the floors in multiple rooms throughout their home.
The sheet metal frame can be built with the help of any local fabrication shop and all other materials can be purchased at your local hardware store. Options include having the front door panels open for directly heating their downstairs or closing the panels with the blowers turned on for heating rooms upstairs. They also use the fans in the Summer to circulate cool air!